Setting up your environment

This is for mac users

Developer Tools

  • HomeBrewHome - we will be using macos home brew utility a lot. To install homebrew

    /usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
  • iTerm - it is the terminal window we will be using. If you are comfortable with Terminal window, no problem.

    brew cask install iterm2
  • Visual Studio Code -

    brew cask install visual-studio-code


We will be developing for Python 3.

To check the default python version. In terminal window

$ python --version

To install python

brew install python

If you get permissions, do this

sudo chown -R "$USER":admin /usr/local
sudo chown -R "$USER":admin /Library/Caches/Homebrew

Now try

$ python --version

Install Python Package Manager

We will be adding external libraries (open source)for our applications. Developers publish there libraries into public domain. We will be pulling those libraries using Python Package Manager AKA pip. To install pip

sudo easy_install pip

Install VirtualEnv

sudo pip install virtualenv
  • What is virtualenv?

VirtualEnv creates an isolated python environments. We python developers you will be dealing with several python projects that might use different python version or different version of libaries. VirtualEnv creates the isolation so that we don’t run into environment confligs